Anyway, after brushing up (no pun intended) on techniques on on You Tube I had a play and decided this was my bag. Today (Monday) I re-visited said art shop in Southampton, and after a long rabbit with the owner, I came away with a nice set of mixed pencils and paints in a box. Set of brushes and suitable watercolour paper.
I'll be sticking to landscape. I don't think I could master photo realistic portraits in watercolour, which I would prefer, so not even going to try. A nice cottage surrounded by stone walling and an assortment of trees and shrubbery thrown in should be manageable....I hope!..(Not photo realistic of course) Probably start sketching the outline tomorrow as too tired to bother now. As they say 'Watch this space'....
Oh, nearly forgot, I did manage to catch Elysium (HAB) flight yesterday on 434.250 usb rtty 50 bd 560 shift 7n2. Here's the associated screenshot.
PS. While I'm waving paint brushes about I'll just leave the radio beaconing WSPR Don't need to get involved then hi....