I didn't fancy the layout on Word Press blog after all, so I've returned to Blogger.
Seem to have a habbit of late that sees me waking up at about 2 am, which means I usually give up going back to sleep until I've had a nice cup of tea at least. Taking advantage of this state I've taken to having a trawl around the bands.
This morning was no exception, so logged an unidentified Bible station on 4840, Voice Of Russia on 7259, Radio Croatia on 7375, Radio Bulgaria on 7400, another unidentified Bible station on 9265, The African service of Vatican Radio on 9660 and Voice Of America on 9884 (All Khz of course).
Back to the land of nod about 03:30, up at 08:00.
Yesterday had been playing about with the appearance settings of Ham Radio Deluxe after reverting to version 4 after trying, and not liking version 5. Like getting new radio Hi!. Here are screen shots of the results, which I find very relaxing and attractive.
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